Maximize the Efficient and Effective use of Resources
A goal of emergency management is to support efficient and effective use of resources during response and recovery.
      • Identification and monitoring of Critical Resources 
        • By Type - Infrastructure, Personnel, Equipment, Supplies, ICT, Vital Records, Funding
        • By Use
          • Medical
          • Public
          • Industry
      • Identification of Potential Constrictions
        • Political
        • Industry
        • Public

Canadians will recall the great toilet paper hoarding panic of late Q1 / early Q2 2020. What many people may not realize is that 95% of Canadian beef is processed through three abattoirs and that 35-40% of Canadian beef processing was offline in April 2020. Effective Emergency Management use of resources would have minimized this vulnerability in Canada's vital food supply and this is an example of precisely why pandemics are societal-wide Public Emergencies impacting all sectors and are not merely Public Health Emergencies.  For this reason Emergency Management Agencies must be coordinating the implementation of the written Pandemic Plan.

The efficient use of resources also involves constantly reassuring the public that Government Agencies are managing the situation.  This means monitoring and managing the vital electricity, water, and energy supplies, ensuring uninterrupted supply of food and household necessities, continuing delivery of essential medical and education services, eliminating unscrupulous attempts at price gouging, and instilling faith and confidence in Canadians through positive messaging both directly from Government and through the media.